Welcome to my blog. I explore a wide range of different topics with various people. I hope you find something that catches your interest!
All in digital
Picture sourced from NBC link (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/play-white-pearl-turns-black-comedy-explore-skin-tone-discrimination-n1074726) on 1 May 2022. I do not own this image, and copyright remains with its owner.
How do content creators stand out among all the noise? Maybe the answer, in a world of noise, is to speak softly….and by appointment….
How will our cities look and feel after the virus is gone? Will we act in the same way - or will major differences appear across industries and in different neighbourhoods?
Sourced from Shutterstock on 27 January 2020. Image created by Antonio Guillem.
Can the digital and analog worlds learn to work together for mutual benefit?